Punch eye


Among people who have been punched in the eye, a rare occurrence can take place where one’s eye becomes the puncher. It’s a simple matter of revenge, and the illness only goes away when the attacker has been punched back in an equally hurtful manner.  Ecxi however was a kindhearted and forgiving man, unfortunately afflicted with said illness, punch eye. Yes, he was punched, but he forgave his attacker and moved on together with the mighty arm poking out of his eye. The villagers were both scared of his potential, but also heart warmed by his attitude. Punch eye now teaches boxing classes and his students become adept in self-defense, in hopes never to catch the disease.

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There is a rare occurrence that can happen among people who have been punched in the eye, where the eye itself becomes the puncher. It’s a strange and sometimes debilitating illness, and it’s said that the only way to cure it is through revenge – the attacker must be punched back in an equally hurtful manner. However, one man, Ecxi, was able to overcome this strange affliction and use it to inspire others.

Despite being afflicted with punch eye, Ecxi was a kindhearted and forgiving man. He had been punched, but he chose to forgive his attacker and move on. To the surprise of the villagers, he found that he could use the powerful arm poking out of his eye to teach others the art of self-defense.

Ecxi’s students quickly became adept in boxing and self-defense techniques, and they learned to protect themselves against potential attackers. Under Ecxi’s guidance, they developed strength, resilience, and confidence in themselves.

The villagers were both scared of Ecxi’s potential, yet heartened by his attitude. His affliction had given him a unique perspective on life and had taught him to be forgiving, even in the face of adversity. Punch eye had become a teacher and a role model for the community.

With his unique abilities, Ecxi had turned a debilitating illness into a source of strength and inspiration. His story serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, we can find ways to overcome our challenges and use our experiences to inspire others.

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