Once upon a time, there was a man made entirely out of silk. With every gust of wind, he flew away to another country. His travels were exhilarating, and he had seen the entire earth 250 times by the age of 20. However, he wasn’t happy about his lifestyle. Deep down, he wanted to root himself, like a tree, and feel grounded in one place.
One day, he decided to ask for advice from the Silk Caterpillars who had fabricated him. They rejected his request, saying that his purpose was to fly and travel the world. Feeling dejected, the man flew away, unsure of what to do.
As he soared through the air, he noticed that he was being held by a single wire that connected him to the ground. It was Rublio, the 9-legged insect, who had heard his plea and came to help. “I have a spare leg and can hold you,” said Rublio.
The man made of silk was overjoyed and accepted the offer. From that day on, they were a match made in silk. Rublio provided the man with the support he needed to stay rooted in one place while still being able to experience the world. And in turn, the man shared his knowledge and experiences with Rublio, who had never ventured far from his home.
Over time, the man and Rublio became close friends. They shared stories and laughed together, and the man realized that he was happier than he had ever been before. Although he couldn’t fly as freely as before, he found that being grounded brought him a sense of peace and stability that he had never known.
And so, the man made of silk and Rublio lived happily ever after, with the man content to stay rooted in one place, and Rublio happy to have a new friend to share his world with.